Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Anyone stationed in Germany

Anyone stationed in Germany?
My brother just arrived in Germany (Airforce.) He said his cell phone and laptop are not working. If you were/are stationed there, how did you communicate with you family in the states? He put coins in a payphone smart guy! That gets expensive! Alwaysotr7: are you always that mean? I hope that coldness gets you places in life.
Military - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Tell him to go to an internet café, but he managed to let you know about his communication problems, so apparently, he can communicate
2 :
It depends on the type of cell phone he has. Most likely, his best bet is to just buy a new one. I recommend him to get a pre-paid phone (D1, D2, etc) because the contract phones can be a hassle if/when he deploys and they are a pain to cancel. His laptop will work fine. He may need a European outlet adapter, but nothing more. If he is stationed at Ramstein, he could go to the PAX terminal and use the free wi-fi there to keep in contact. I don't know if other AFBs provide the same service. For simple communication, his absolute best, most cost-effective choice is to just get a regular landline. It will cost more up front, but international calls cost pennies. Literally. The AT&T phone cards are a rip off (spend $20, talk for 18 minutes.) In contrast, an average 18 minute call to the US will cost less than $0.60 on a landline. And if he does not want a landline, he can always go with DSL and use Skype, Vonage, or Yahoo Voice. DSL service in Germany generally puts the service in the US to shame. It costs a little more (usually around $70 at the current exchange rate). He has options. Just make sure he doesn't try them all. He will be out serious money.
3 :
He can easily establish a home phone and get on an unlimited calling plan back to the states through Deutschetelecom. And that will also give him the option of having internet. I lived in the dorms and it wasnt to expensive to get a phone and internet when I was in Germany. Off base he can get the same setup. There is no reason for him to have issues contacting home.
4 :
Tell him to get a German cell phone. The American ones do not work because they have a different network there. He can also get a German internet provider so he can email from his laptop.
5 :
Maybe he doesn't want to talk to you, because it should be no problem if on a military base

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