Anyone stationed in Germany?
My brother just arrived in Germany (Airforce.) He said his cell phone and laptop are not working. If you were/are stationed there, how did you communicate with you family in the states? He put coins in a payphone smart guy! That gets expensive! Alwaysotr7: are you always that mean? I hope that coldness gets you places in life.
Military - 5 Answers
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1 :
Tell him to go to an internet café, but he managed to let you know about his communication problems, so apparently, he can communicate
2 :
It depends on the type of cell phone he has. Most likely, his best bet is to just buy a new one. I recommend him to get a pre-paid phone (D1, D2, etc) because the contract phones can be a hassle if/when he deploys and they are a pain to cancel. His laptop will work fine. He may need a European outlet adapter, but nothing more. If he is stationed at Ramstein, he could go to the PAX terminal and use the free wi-fi there to keep in contact. I don't know if other AFBs provide the same service. For simple communication, his absolute best, most cost-effective choice is to just get a regular landline. It will cost more up front, but international calls cost pennies. Literally. The AT&T phone cards are a rip off (spend $20, talk for 18 minutes.) In contrast, an average 18 minute call to the US will cost less than $0.60 on a landline. And if he does not want a landline, he can always go with DSL and use Skype, Vonage, or Yahoo Voice. DSL service in Germany generally puts the service in the US to shame. It costs a little more (usually around $70 at the current exchange rate). He has options. Just make sure he doesn't try them all. He will be out serious money.
3 :
He can easily establish a home phone and get on an unlimited calling plan back to the states through Deutschetelecom. And that will also give him the option of having internet. I lived in the dorms and it wasnt to expensive to get a phone and internet when I was in Germany. Off base he can get the same setup. There is no reason for him to have issues contacting home.
4 :
Tell him to get a German cell phone. The American ones do not work because they have a different network there. He can also get a German internet provider so he can email from his laptop.
5 :
Maybe he doesn't want to talk to you, because it should be no problem if on a military base
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